Friendship day quotes with photos

Friendship day 2015 quotes, message, sms, poems is very important to wish friends with photos, images. friendship day date is Sunday, August 2, 2015. By friendship day messages we can so easily celebrate friendship day. By friendship day images, pictures, photos we can also celebrate world friendship day. Friendship cards is the another way to celebrate happy friendship day.

Friendship day quotes with photos

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Friendship day quotes
Friend means: 
F: Free from all formalities
R: Right to say anything
I: Ideal companion
E: Either good or bad
N: No sorry no thanks
D: Dear to dearest one
happy friendship day, friendship day images, friendship day messages, friendship day sms, friendship day date, friendship cards, world friendship day, friendship day
Happy Friendship Day quotes
 Friendship is a little more trust,
A little less try,
A little more laugh,
And a little less cry,
A little more WE and a little less I.
Happy Friendship Day 2015!!!
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Happy Friendship Day quotes With images

 A friend is someone
who reaches your hand,
but Touches your Heart and
become a part in you.
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Happy Friendship Day quotes With images
 In this whole world,
there is no one
who is so close
dear and near to me as you are,
You are the best thing
that have ever happened to me.
happy friendship day, friendship day images, friendship day messages, friendship day sms, friendship day date, friendship cards, world friendship day, friendship day
Happy Friendship Day quotes, poems
 When Death is possible any time,
love is possible some time,
marriage is possible one time,
but REAL FRIEND like is possible
happy friendship day, friendship day images, friendship day messages, friendship day sms, friendship day date, friendship cards, world friendship day, friendship day
Happy Friendship Day quotes With images 2015
 Friends are like balloons,
if you let them go you will never get
them back again so tie them
close to your heart so they won't float away!
Happy Friendship Day 2015 friends.
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Happy Friendship Day quotes With images
happy friendship day, friendship day images, friendship day messages, friendship day sms, friendship day date, friendship cards, world friendship day, friendship day
Happy Friendship Day quotes With images
happy friendship day, friendship day images, friendship day messages, friendship day sms, friendship day date, friendship cards, world friendship day, friendship day
Happy Friendship Day quotes 2015
 When I ask you a flower,
You give me a bouquet.
When I ask you a stone,
You give me a statue.
When I ask you a feather,
You give me a peacock.
"Happy Friendship Day"
happy friendship day, friendship day images, friendship day messages, friendship day sms, friendship day date, friendship cards, world friendship day, friendship day
Happy Friendship Day quotes With photos
 A coin is easy to earn,
a friend is hard to find.
The coin depreciates but
a friend appreciates.
I lost a coin when I smsed u,
but it's okay because I got u.
happy friendship day, friendship day images, friendship day messages, friendship day sms, friendship day date, friendship cards, world friendship day, friendship day
Happy Friendship Day quotes With images
Year will pass and moments too...
But we will still be beside each other...
Just like always...
We have been...

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